Lord, we proclaim Your matchless name
In all the earth forevermore
The knowledge of Your will
Surely will prevail in every place by Your mighty power

Lord, we proclaim Your matchless name
In all the earth forevermore
The knowledge of Your will
Surely will prevail in every place by Your mighty power

Lord, Your name is glorious in power
In Your name, kingdoms are conquered
Your power none can overthrow
In all territories seen and unseen

We proclaim Your name to the nations
Every tribe and tongue
Shall confess and bow to Your holy name
Lord and King of all
Sovereign is Your name

All powerful You are
The Captain of my salvation
They that trust in You will
never be ashamed

All powerful You are
All Mighty, my Champion
I rejoice at the greatness
of Your Name

All powerful You are
The Captain of my salvation
They that trust in You will
never be ashamed

All powerful You are
All Mighty, my Champion
I rejoice at the greatness
of Your Name

You are so powerful

We magnify You, Lord
You are holy
For Your truth at work in us

We magnify You, Lord
You are righteous
For your endless grace and love

We magnify You, Lord
You are worthy
For Your everlasting life in us

With lifted hands to You
We thank You, Lord

We magnify You, Lord
You are holy
For Your truth at work in us

We magnify You, Lord
You are righteous
For your endless grace and love

We magnify You, Lord
You are worthy
For Your everlasting life in us

You are the beauty of the ages, oh Lord

Lord Jesus, we declare that You are eternal life
Who was with the Father
And made manifest unto us
Imparted to our spirit
That very organic and existential attribute of deity
O o o oh life eternal

Life eternal,
Life eternal, You are

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