The One who makes the blind to see
The One who makes the lame to walk
The One who makes the deaf to hear
Is here, silencing fear
The One who raises the dead
Even put death in it’s place
The One who walked on water is here
I know, right now, you feel broken
Like a pile of shattered glass
Let not your heart be troubled
All you need is faith, not reason
Healer of the broken-hearted is here
And your faith in Jesus will restore it all
He is the God who does the impossible
He never turns away from all who come to Him
He never fails anyone who puts their trust in Him
He knows how long the pain has been
He knows about the sleepless night
He loves and cares for you so much
He’ll heal, for all He does is good
With eyes so full of compassion
He looks on you with mercy
He wants you to enjoy life to the full
Without a shadow of doubt, You’ll be healed
All you need is faith, not reason
The Lord is right where you are
And He wants you well
Without a shadow of doubt, You’ll be healed
All you need is faith, not reason
The Lord is right where you are
And He wants you well
Healer of the broken-hearted is here
And your faith in Jesus will restore it all
He is the God who does the impossible
He never turns away from all who come to Him
He never fails anyone who puts their trust in Him
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