Giver of life, self-existent, son of God exalted
Boundless king, Ancient of days You are so powerful
You are holy and great
Righteous and glorious
You are the source of life
You ate faithful and good
Fearful in praises
You areĀ the strength of our lives
Blessed be Your name
Hallelujah to Your majesty
Oh Lord You are the song that we sing
And our melody is designed to give You praise
Glory to You Lord
You created us for your good pleasure
Every Word that we speak glorious You
You are God all we do
Glory to You Lord we are grateful
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
You are the strong and mighty God
Our strong tower
Our strengthener
You are the king who sits on the throne
You’re the wisest
You are the greatest
Glory to You Lord we are grateful
Glory to You Lord we are grateful