Your name's doing miracles Great and mighty miracles Right in this place Your name's doing wonders Great and mighty wonders Right in this place
Your name's doing miracles Great and mighty miracles Right in this place Your name's doing wonders Great and mighty wonders Right in this place
How beautiful is the assembly of Your saintsLifting hands to You in endless praiseThe most beautiful sightIs the gathering of your holy ones The Luminous ecclesiaIlluminated by Your gloryShinning brightly, displaying Your powerFor salvation of men, oh, glorious God The...
Your awesome beauty displays The endless worlds of Your splendour The earth and all that is in it You created Lord, for Your pleasure The grandeur of Your glory is Beyond words to explain No depth of knowledge and understanding Can unravel Your wisdomFor Your glory Lord, You created me Because of Your dateless love
We Hail From Deity by Loveworld Singers From deity we hail, with eternal lifeThe very life and nature of God in usYour grace is heaped on us abundantlyOf Your fullness we’ve received, unending grace We reign by Your immeasurable graceThrough...
She was broken hearted and living in painWondering what life would beIn the coming days She had been to many places through the years without helpNothing could stop her bleeding for 12 agonizing years Then she heard the Master Jesus...
Your Boundless Love by Loveworld Singers Who else could have done itSuffered the pain for meWho else could have borneThe shame and the ridiculeWho else could have made meRighteous and holyWho else could have dealtWith guilt and condemnation Your resurrection...
By Your Word by Loveworld Singers The worlds were framedBy Your word, by faithAs the things which are seenWere made from the thingsthat are unseenThe spiritualYou created the heavenliesFilled them with galaxies and star worldsThe vast cosmos,You wonderfully crafted Words,...
Lord, You are beautifulYou are adorableYou are wonderfulAnd most glorious Your glory's indispensableInconceivable, IndisputableBeyond all understandingYour power is unstoppableInsurmountable, IncalculableBeyond imaginationLord, You are wonderful Holy, HolyHoly is Your name LordWorthy, WorthyWorthy is Your name HallelujahHallelujahHallelujahAmen Download Lord You Are Beautiful...
Lyrics of Wonderful by Oge & Loveworld Singers The depth of Your lovethe extend of Your graceis beyond understanding Your mercies oh Godare new every morningGreat is thy faithfulness You are so beautiful,so wonderfulWonderful is Your nameYou are so beautiful,so...
Your unsearchable depth of knowledgeWho can dare to compareWho can trade knowledge and understandingWith You, God AlmightyFor true knowledge and wisdomFind their origin and existence in You The sovereignty of Your kingdom,None can challenge The potency of Your word has...